What type of contract would you make with this person? It'll only be for one project.
Getting projects started using other people's money is definitely something I do quite a bit. I'm glad you clarified that it's 401k money, because if it was Trap money or Mob money, I would have to give a different set of rules and advice, that's a whole nother ballgame right there (lol).
First things first, I would make sure our agreement is a legal notarized document-
Not to say you wouldn't think to take this step, but the fact that he's your homie
makes me add that point.
Is the project a CD release? (Project could mean DVD, Magazine, or whatever)
What is the range of cash that you plan to generate from this profit? That's a big determining factor towards how fast you could pay your homie back.
Me personally, I would structure the contract so that the terms clearly indicate that your investor would be re-paid solely from the sales of that project. This also means, you gotta move a lotta product to cover overhead expenses + pay him or her back.
There's a number of ways to do break the payment down:
For every CD sold through consignment (that way you have an actual record, out the trunk can't be accounted for) he/she gets a cut of those in-store sales.
You can also include a percentage of show $$$$ if you're doing shows like that. I would break the investor off 5% of every paid show.
You can also include merchandise - For every Lil' Drama Boi t-shirt sold, investor ______
would receive $.75
*Free Advice - When you get your first big payment from the project, hit your investor off FIRST - a lotta people make the mistake of trying to cover overhead first, and pay investors last. If you can gain the confidence of investors early, and they can SEE that money is coming from it, then they'll double up for the next project.
I don't wanna type a book report, so hit me up on PM if you want more specific details -