Going live with Propellerheads Reason

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A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Been a hardcore Reason user for over a decade, but I also use Live and Pro tools a lot. Man for what you are trying to do that's tough. Its doable in Reason but it is NOT built for it. Dr Octo Rex would be the way to go, but as you said a bunch of work. Ableton is a much better fit for live performance as it was built for it. But for turntable stuff live I would go with something like Traktor from Native Instruments. Now if you really do want to go down the Reason route for playing live loops I would go with this Rack Extension https://shop.propellerheads.se/product/jammer-loops-trigger-module/ and start building rex files.

If you want to use Reason live as a synth module it is the BEST thing on the planet. Here is how its used for the marilyn manson tour.

Anyway, happy to help man let me know if you have any more questions.
Ableton Live is absolutely in my opinion the best way to do what you want to do. Rex files can be played as clips with the Standard or Suite versions. (unfortunately not the intro version)

I love ableton as I use it for all my production. Hopefully you can get to where you want to go. (also, i'm sure you could find a download somewhere just to try to see if it's something you like...) But it's a great program and they do offer student discounts if you happen to be taking any classes at the moment (just FYI)
One big file would work and is the easiest and makes the most sense in my opinion. A nice feature is that you can name the scenes on the far right with a number and BPM (example: 86BPM, or 113 BPM) and when you trigger that scene, the tempo of the entire project jumps to that BPM at whatever global quantization you have set. So this could solve your issue of jumping to different BPMs. If you wanted more of a fading BPM change, like a speed up or slow down, you could map the master tempo to something on your APC and slide or move the tempo with that. Or potentially even automate a tempo change in a clip if you know exactly how you want the tempo to change.

Lot's of options to do similar activities is one of the reasons I love Ableton the most.

I would try to the naming of the scenes first, it's super easy and I think can get you going in the direction you want.

It looks like from what I read, Live Lite limits your tracks and scenes to 8, limits your send and returns and your inputs and outputs. Also you have the baseline audio and midi effects only. I would just keep messing with Live Lite and see if you really like the workflow and think it's the best choice for you going forward.