classic, we are so on the same wavelength with this shit. The only thing i didnt completely agree with was having to have formal training to learn piano. Prince, Stevie Wonder, and Tori Amos to name just a few played godlike even before/if they ever got formal training, know what im saying. That does correspend with what you said about having to have it in you, though
I too have recently learned how to play piano (well, that takes mad years, but you know what i mean, i know my chords and scales and some finger techinques and shit, lets jus say i got at least the *basics* down lol). Music theory alone helped me alot with this (and i am just a very fast learner) plus years of learning/playing guitar on pure feeling helped too.
I so agreed with you about the necessity of the combination being necessary to make good music. I have so many discussion with talented (yet very naorrowminded and ignorant) musicians, who refuse te learn theory, and imply that I am using 'premade' chord progressions (this is not true, it is is not prescribed, but it is described, get what im saying, playing basic 1-4-5 or 2-4-1 or whatever progressions helps your ass learn piano), and they think it is a bunch of rules taht will limit them. i get mad pissed of at these cats first of all for implying that i am some kind of lame petty ass conformists who relys on some theory (i learned theory quite recently, fucked with music for mad years) and second of all for being so arrogant as to think that centurys old constantly expanding music theory will have nothing new to teach them. i mean people who do the natural thing as you say can get very far and make nice shit, very nice shit, but music theory tought me a bunch of new shit i didnt even know about, know what i mean? and it is fun to see after learning theory how well your music actually conforms to theory even before you knew about, like your example of afrique. i had that same thing. anyway , ican rant at this shit all day long im out!
p.s. word up on the hannon excersises, im gonna look that up and practice, been wondering what i could do to strengthen my fingers.