Exhibition Sign Ups !!Hurry!!

  • beat this! (feb 19-20) signup begins in...

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
FLstudio, MPC, Reason, & Cubase

Getting on the same Page
This is not a competition, it is a software exhibition. Think of it as a art gallery for music. Although the word competition was initially used that is not what it is. We do want to translate the intensity of competition, over to our best efforts in participanting in this exhibition.

Since it is a Exhibition and not a competition, any given catagory does not have to have five participants for it. There this is still a five person limit for each catagory. The show must go on.

Cubase is now a catagory. That brings us up to a 20 songs max.

What It Is!
The Catagories are: FLstudio, Cubase, Reason, and any Akai Mpc

Thread organization
For the exhibition thread, we want to maintain a certain order so that the information can be easily percieved by any viewers.

I will post the intro including the link to the songs, and the outro concluding the exhibition.

Participants are to only post 2 posts each

Post 1 is half of the meat of the exhibition. In this thread you will post a valuable tip that you use in production with your software or hardware. Please make this a good one, like the kind you don't like to give up. Here you should also make any comment or statement in regards to your exhibition piece. This will help others give more accurate responses and advice in thier second post.

Post 2 is the second portion of meat in this exhibition. Here you will post your comments,advice, and critiques that directly relate to the works in the exhibition. You do not have write something for everyone, but I'll leave that to your discretion, (atleast do five).
Add any closing statements you wish. And atleast one thing you enjoyed, or something that motivated you about this whole get together.

After these are finished, the thread can be opened to the public, or a comment thread can be opened in the lounge. The reason for this is so all the helpful information can stay together, making it a better resource for others to read through.

Participants need to:

1. Personal message me when your song is ready.
2. Have your Hardware or software tip ready for your first post
3. Upload your song to the gallery space created at soundclick
4. Write your reviews and advice for other participants. You must do five or more, length does not matter.


*instrumentals only

*You must program your own drums (no pre-made drumloops)

*If you use a loop sample as a lead, you must cut it yourself ( no pre- made loops). You can cut from whateva source or medium you want.

*If you program your leads from scratch, tell us.

*You must use a track started anytime after Febuary 6, 2004.

The Theme
The theme is Movement. I didn't pick a linear theme because linear themes don't give room for much innovation. But here you have movement, one of the Principles of Design. Artist portray movement/motion in many different ways, it is our job to apply movement in a innovative way that complements the production. That means you just can't lay some instruments & samples down and that be it. You more than likly will have to do some research as to how to make sound move. It is heavly reliant on mixing, so those of you who my not have taken those steps to learn new stuff, you have some place to start (research how to Mix). I'm also sure your software/hardware manuals will come in very handy. Do I have to tell anybody to keep the production Urban? What that means is any style of Hip Hop, rap, or R&B will do. Make people wanna put some vocals to it, got it! ...Good!

Participants so far

Kevin A
Inspectah Wu
the flstudio section is closed



Cold Truth

We may need someone to create a soundclick page so everyone can upload to the same page for a gallery type effect. The idea is to have 1 or 2 links to all the songs. I would refer one if possible.

Febuary 14th, deadline to sign up

March 1st-5th upload your music to the website (password and address will be emailed or pm to you.

March 9th we will open the thread and make our 1st post.

Look for future updates inside this post, for I will be editing post in regards to any changes.

If you want in hurry, first come first serve.

Catch ya'll later
Kevin A

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
you got your sp back? didnt you sell that thing?

is feb 14 vthe SIGN UP deadline to get in, or the deadline to submit tracks? yeah, it actualy makes a difference (i need to know how to structure my week- things to do, etc.)


"The 14th of Feb is the deadline to sign up"
its right below where kevin says evryone who is participating so far....

i also need to know when is the due date to submit the tracks... just pm'd kev about it.

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
Yes you can do that you can do that big D, it's just like using a vst instruments, or a keyboard synth. I'm still trying to decide what tip I'm going to give, I got some that will change the way you use drum, and some tricks for vst instruments. I started my track yesterday too. I'm thinking we should have about a month to work on it (3 weeks to a month) I haven't decided yet. But I will tell you some stuff that I have been doing and will be doing. Try to download some high quality instrumentals and convert them to wav and take your track and burn them on the same Cd. Burn your song next to a instrumental that you really like the mix off, play in your car, headphones, whatever, and take notice of what ever details that apply to mastering that you can. Like bass levels, where certain instruments are panned etc.

I think this is gonna be a great experience. We got other options that you normally don't have. We can all help each other along the way the way and help everyone to show a great performance. I've updated my 1st thread to check it for new informations. The dates are up, the new participants.

Also remember, aside from working on your track, you have other things to work on too, like your tip. The great thing about tips are that they are easy to understand, you may know how to do something really cool, that may be a challenge to communicate with words, think about, and spend some time on that too. It's like a pot luck, you bring the meat.

happy fishing

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
More People and mixed emotions

So far we have 9 people that are participating including myself. It's sad that so few people have even looked at the thread and that there is only one person representing for Reason, and 1 person representing for the MPC.
Is it too hard of an exhibition? Is the jewels of your software functionality that you use too valuable? I know It's a dog eat dog world out there, and I'm debating wether I should share my views with the rest. You try to care about people, but they don't try to care back. They rather bring hate, and that bothers me. However I am commited to these people you see here on this list. They showed a positive attitude, and joined on a leap of faith. Good signs to build a empire off of. (Hint, Hint). My mixed fillings are maybe we should do this private, and get more personal to avoid leeches, back stabbers, and people who just don't give a you know what, and will take your information and leave you behind.

To the participants, what do you guys think? Private, or Publeech

I say this because I only read 2 comments from people that where not envolved in the exhinbition that supported it.

Kevin A
Inspectah Wu



Cold Truth


ill o.g.
god kev mate, where does this hate eminate from holmes, leeches and backstabbers, that sounds like the sought of rant that was perpetrated by a medeum sized austrian national, who was a jst a little bit pissed of with the jewish race, about 70 years ago. "People bringing hate," again retiscent of same said dictator, so my vote go private Kev, as YOU are it seems are bringing major hate to everyone who is not participating in this so called "exhibition", your sales techniques have a lot to be desired.....you try and sell whatever by SELLING THE GOOD POINTS, exhibition not bad mouthing potential collegues. also how can this be a software exhibition? when an MPC is involved?

Fair play Kevin, i kno what you are trying to do....but it comes down to the person not the tools, a bad workman blames his tools. Work on your communication skills, and maybe, im not quite sure, you may convey a happy message rather thatn one of hate.....

also, if i have taken the wrong end of the stick, fair play, im sorry, but your communication skills. Work on em.....



Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
Mike it's already done, scroll up to the original thread and you will see your name.

King Corruption

I'm not going to even try to figure out why you think hardware sequencers do not have motherboards and software in them.

Futhermore, my comments about the haters came from actual experience and not speculations. But we all know that nobody will acknowledge it, if they have been caught hatin anyway.

Another thing is, is that I don't recall calling anyone a backstabber or a leech, I just said I wanted to avoid those people. And as it has always been, the good suffer with the bad, you have to be a fool to believe that there are no leeches and backstabbers out there. I just don't wanna be right about that, so I was having some mixed fillings, nothing that I have decided on nah mean?

And let me be the 1st to tell you, no I don't communicate well, that's why I try to make sure what I'm saying can be read from the same page. When I first started this I called it a competition, and people took it the wrong way, although I knew what it was and the intent. Sometimes it be like that.

I saw only nothing but good points because I knew what I was willing to do, and how I am willing to help people. This has more than one purpose, which should be evident from the structure of exhibition. There are no bad points because it's been decided not to have any within our control. The more experienced will help the less, like the older generation should have tought the younger how to live.

I think you did take the wrong end, but it's all gravy. You should think about participating. You might be able to help or be helped. I've already decided I'm going to spend a season with Reason after this is over. I'm not bias, I'd rather know what can, than to hear speculations of what can't, because no one knows it all, and I can damn sure can find out what something can't do on my own. I know for 1 because I figured out how to do stuff in FLstudio that you won't find in the manual. I can make music with anything I'm given, I usta make hip hop beats in rebirth back in 97 for crying out load. So far as the exhibition, on the inside it's good, on the outside it can and will be whateva, I just rather it be good.


Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
You have 2 things to work on. Your software/hardware tip, and your beat. If you have any questions beforehand about something your trying to do in your production, you can ask questions here.

As for the deadline, yes it's closed.

sorry about the no reply, I've been busy. In anycase, if you have something your working on, many you wanna get some feed back before had, like how does my mix sound? post a lil 16 bar clip an get some feed back. I'll post a clip I'm working on soon. But we want to be helping people all the way through, not just given feedback at the end when a person has spent a month working on a project.

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
Thankx 4 the support N.U.G & Afriquedeluxe, it really does help.

Here is a hint for how to help people understand your tip. Up in the right hand corner of your keyboard is a key called Prt SC, that means print screen, so if I have a program open, and I want someone else to see exactlly what I'm looking at, I press that button. Then you open up the bitmap maker or some graphic software, and go to edit>paste or ctrl+V (KEYBOARD SHORTCUT) and there you will see the screen that you saved. So if you have a hard time explaining, or trying to explain something hard, giving a visual could help.


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
Reason Tip---DJ Swivel

OK here's my tip for some really dope sub-bass sounds. Load up a subtractor analog synth, and add the ResonBass patch from the Factory Soundbank. Then wire a Scream 4 unit to your Subtractor. On the Scream distortion unit, keep your mid and hi levels down and the low levels at a medium range. Use Tape for your damage type, and keep the damage control at about 25% or so.....this will give you some really powerful bass, just like the bass used in my track Crouching Tiger.

here's my song..... www.soundclick.com/djswivel - in the music section, click the track Crouching Tiger, and enjoy!

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
I like it djswivel, if this is the song you are going to use for the exhibition, I'll comment more on it in my 2nd post of the exhibition thread. However I do have a question for you. This is something I never really understood the rule on. I know you got the sample from one of the rocky movies, but how many seconds of a sample can you take without being eligible to be sued if the original artist found out? From some unlearned knowledge I always thought it was 3 seconds. What is it though?

nice on them drums too.


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
actually i didnt take it from the rocky movie....a friend who produces had this sample and he said i could go and make a track wit it....i actually never knew where it was from..Thanks for tellin me, now i know!! lol

im not too sure on sampling rules. usually i dont sample but this was too good to pass up....i had to use it...this is my final beat for the competition