Cubase Question

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ill o.g.

This maybe a really stupid question, but in cubase on the arrange page is there anyway of moving the blocks of audio or midi without it having to snap to the grid to a bar?

Making any sense??

Example: I recorded in a sample, and have programmed in a drum track. So i line up the midi drum track and the audio sample up to bar 1. If i want to move the audio sample over to half way between bar 1 and bar 2 i can't.

It will only move to bar 2 or bar 3 etc...

Is there any way round this???


ill o.g.
the snap button is a button that looks like this <> or something like that, just click on it to take it off, the blue highlight will turn off, then you can move it freely., to help you some more, i beleive its right next to the scroll bar which looks like two parallel arrows, on the top right hand corner. if it works then you must put my credits on your album iight. or ill sue the sheez off ya.