Crip Founder Stanley Tookie Williams

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Not sure if anyone has seen the movie "Redemption" True Story about a Crip found named Tookie Williams Played by Jamie Fox

Basically this man Started the Crip gang in 1971 Did some bad shit ended up getting a Sentence of LIFE in prision.. While in Jail this man has Wrote Books and holding Meetings helping Young and older youth all over the world Stop gang violence.. he's Stopped alot of Gang warfare all over the worldwide and has been Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2 times... Each time this guy steps in court the Remove all MINORITIES from the Jury cat really gets a raw deal...

Now they seem to release other Criminals, child Molesters all the time from jail and these people dont do shit for there community this guy Does.. im not trying to Spam but can u Plz sign this Mans Petition it will go str8 to Arnald Swards( the terminator) the new Gov of CA

He needs all the help he can get

plz sign that Petition this is his Main Site If u haven't seen the Flick "Redemption" i suggest you check that shit out powerfull movie True Story


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
man i think everyone knows about this guy already. he was a maniac in his day, killed many people in cold blood.

if u have had a friend/family member shot or somethin by gangs then i dont think u would be quick to sign this petition...


Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Rhythmikal said:
man i think everyone knows about this guy already. he was a maniac in his day, killed many people in cold blood.

if u have had a friend/family member shot or somethin by gangs then i dont think u would be quick to sign this petition...


My Friend i was blood Raised I know how that shit is Lost Fam went to Many Funerals went to Visit alot of my Fam and friends of Fam in San Quin

man im from the yay i know how it is

If you don't wanna sign and particiate thats cool lets leave it at that

*Fixed typo's*


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
nah its ok ill sign it, i know its for a good cause at the end of the day.



ill o.g.
The problem is, anyone who commits a crime in the future will have it in the back of their minds that if they just start doing some good deeds in prison and get a bunch of sympathizers to sign a petition that they will be released. If you kill, you pay for it, and it's too bad if you realize that it was wrong later. You have to make examples of criminals in order to scare would be criminals. I can see the other side of the argument though.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
he has'nt just done some small ass deeds dude has been nominated for 2 nobel peace prizes, come on if they can let a pedaphile out they can surely let this man out


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
x-squizet said:
he has'nt just done some small ass deeds dude has been nominated for 2 nobel peace prizes, come on if they can let a pedaphile out they can surely let this man out

say that to one of the many victim's family members who he shot in the face for a bit of crack or somethin.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
i mean yea what he did was wrong i ain't sayin that look at it this way

a sex offender is released and now he still wants to go after little boys and girls and shit or rape a woman.

tookie is released he wants to go to a high school and tell kids his story and not join gangs and ruin their lives.

i mean tookie is a changed man now have you even been to his website and read his apology and shit dude, if you have'nt you really need to check it out


ill o.g.
Ya I signed it I seen his movie well half of it cuz it magically cut out .He truly has changed and could actually do more 2 repay his victims and society by preachin his story 2 Kids at schools then by sitting in a cell rotten

The Bastard

im sure everyone in jail is sorry, and just wants to get out so they can help people. in my book if theres a shadow of a doubt like the shit that went down wit rubin carter,where he could be innocent, id be all for springin him outta jail, you shouldnt be locked up cuz u ''mighta'' killed sum thats not right. but this dood tookie admits to all this shit and we know for a fact whut hes done. i dont want that dood walkin the same streets as my future kids/family i dont care how many childrens books or apology letters he writes


ill o.g.
By letting him die you're allowing 5 more killers that are going to walk those same streets. 5 killers that could've learned from the mistakes of one.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
fuck that

Im speaking as someobody who has friends locked up for violence, and lost friends to violence

Its great that dude is doing his thing helping people. Maybe that will save his soul and give him peace in heaven. Dont get me wrong i respect dudes casue. I respect how he turned a negative into a postive. My mother uses his books in her school.

But the fact of the matter is THIS, he murdered people IN COLD BLOOD. I dont care how many people he helps it dont erase what he did.

I know people from the same enviroment & circumstances who are doing just as much good as he is. They dident have to kill some folks and get put on death row to see the light. In the end everyman is responsable for their own actions

You do the crime, you do the time, simple as that.

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
classic said:
But the fact of the matter is THIS, he murdered people IN COLD BLOOD. I dont care how many people he helps it dont erase what he did.


Actually dudes Proof that he actually killed the People is Speculation no hardcore Proof at all thats the fucked up part about it and since he is a Co founder of a huge gang all the more reason to lock him up.