CF Card management

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ill o.g.
i would like to know if i could get some help on file management on the 1k and the CF card........i seem to only have 1mb left and i cant save my songs ...... what is do i save .... or delete info on there.......can somone please tell me wuz up with that

julio g.

ill o.g.
To erase all youre memory card and start with a clean slate do this:
mode,save,utility, and last press "do it ".
To save a song its best to save entire memory,do this:
Press mode,save. Than make sure on the top you have it set at, "save to memory card".
Below that make sure you have it set to,"save entire memory". Than press "do it".
You can name youre song on the next screen by Moving youre data wheel to the left, and deleting whats on there by pressing down the shift button while moving the left digit arrow. Type youre new name by hitting the pads. There are letters on the pads. Than press enter. Where it says "replace same files" I usually put yes. Last press "do it" and you have saved youre song. To load it simply go: "mode load" and look for song name on folder and press do it. Go to m. screen and scroll to the sequence or song mode you originally had it in. Best thing to do is to study the manual hard until you master youre mpc. It will only make youre song better, when you learn other things you can do to it, to improve it. Well hope you understand this, enjoy youre mp.


ill o.g.
what about the sounds and deomos that came on the i need them ..... do i transfer them to my computer.......or what ...... that is where i am stuck i guess you can say....... thanks for any help that you can give me


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
Thats what I did Morfeeus , I just transferred all the internal sounds and sequences to my mac via usb and just reformatted the cf, for a while the 32mb card was the only one I had, so whenever it would get full, I would just transfer those to my computer as well.

julio g.

ill o.g.
I'm not sure what samples come with the card when you buy the mpc new. I got mine used. But I do know that all the pre-sets on the banks are saved on the internal memory of the mpc. So even if you dont have a card in the slot, when you turn on the mpc all the sounds are there on the pads because they are on the internal memory. So if you erase youre memory card you should not loose those sounds at all.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
wish Id seen this when it first posted and knew then what I know now.. go out and buy some and 1 and 2 gig cards and dont stress anymore about it..
deleting isnt hard either if you havnet figured that out by now...
Just ask again...

And no those sounds are wack you dont need them , just put em on your pc, then hit up the audio exchange in VIP here and you'll be straight!