Id suggest a nice 61 key Midi controller, A decent 16 pad Drum controller, NI Komplete, A sound card, And at minimuim a Good [Senhieser HD 280 Pro, Ect.] set of headphones. You'll need monitors pretty soon as well.
-FL6 is $100 [I assume you already have it?
-NI Kontact is around $300 i believe [But VERY well worth it. You'll never need another VST. I LOVE Battery2, And its $99 alone.]
-Sound card is Very important.. get one specifically for recording [Maudio 24/96, E-mu 0404. Both $99]
-Pad controller [$99 for MPD16, Which i use. Or you could spend $199 on one of the newer one's (MPD24, Korg Pad control)]
-Senhieser HD 280 Pro's are $99, And as far as i know pretty muchthe best ~$100 headphones.
-Key controller.. I suggest going with atleast a 61 key. Altho, 49keys are fine. Expect to spend $150, And look into M-Audio, E-mu, And a few other company's. [The M-Audio Axiom line, comes with 8 pad's, And are decent priced, and built.]
$850 to $1000, And youve got a great start.
It all depends what you plan to do with your set-up tho. If you plan to record, You need Mic(s), Mic pre's, Mixers, Acoustic foam, Ect.
If you wanna sample [Who dont?], You need a nice Direct drive deck, Nice cartraige, And a phono convertor.