Beat 1: Nice bounce! Drums are dope and add nicely to the rhythm of the sample. Big fan of how you panned the hihats. The mix sounds a little "dry"; the snare is kind of loud/harsh to my taste. An EQ sweep or transient shaper might do the trick.
Beat 2: Nice mood, I like the chord progression. Piano is a little static IMO. Drums are OK and bass fits the chords. Nice beat overall, but to me doesn't have the character to really stand out.
Beat 3: Funky, westcoast kind of beat. Could smoke a joint to this if I didn't quit ages ago. Synth sounds nice, but i'm waiting for it to go up an octave to "give it all"! Is the piano from a sample? It could be just the reverb of it, but it sounds a little muddy in the low mid frequencies. Dope beat overall!