Battery 2.0

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ill o.g.
What's up fellow beatmakerz!? Yo...I'm using battery 2.0 as a vst in FL right, and I need to know how to make individual cells link to their own mixer I can add reverb to just one kick...delay to something else...etc., without it affecting the mix. Let me know how pleaze...but battery is ill if ya'll wondering. Get at me!


ill o.g.
In the edit panel is a output module.
Click on a cell then chose what output you want.

You will also have to use FL Midi-out for it.

Also have have the port out and port in the same number.
You will find them at the top right of plugin.

Go the Channels and add a Midi-out.
You will need one for each out you use.

Don't mix these up.
Ports in and out are not the samething.

Just use the same port number for both Midi-out
and the battern plugin.

The Midi Out generator will have a box for the channel
and port number.

From FL manual
MIDI Out allows you to control MIDI hardware and or VST plugins, it supports eight pages each with nine freely assignable controllers. The MIDI out plugin acts as a MIDI controller sending standard MIDI messages to plugins/instruments on the same MIDI Port number as shown in the top right corner of the MIDI Out plugin and the target plugin (if inside FL) or in the settings of the external hardware.
Simply – matching the MIDI Out port with the target connects this plugin to other plugins/hardware. The ‘Channel’ setting allows independent (multitimbral) data to be transferred. For example, an external multitimbral instrument may be set to connect on port 2, play drum sounds on channel 10 (driven from the Piano roll) and strings on channel 2 (driven from another Piano roll). Controllers on the target plugin/hardware, such as mod wheels etc, have MIDI CC (control change) numbers assigned to them that act as ‘addresses’ for knobs/controls on the target plugin/hardware. You will need to consult the third party documentation to learn these CC numbers.

Port - This is the main connection between the MIDI out plugin and the target plugin or external device. 255 Ports are available. Matching port numbers on the MIDI Out plugin and the target instrument/plugin links them.
Channel - The MIDI output channel number. Each port has 16 independent channels over which communications can occur. Generally channel #10 is used for drums channel.
Bank - The patch bank number. 127 banks are available.
Patch - The patch (instrument) number. 127 patches (per bank) are available. This parameter may be automated. The combo box displays the name of the general MIDI instrument for the selected patch number. It may not match the current instrument if your device is not using a general MIDI mapping. For some devices, the patch number also selects the drum kit for drum channels.
Reset - Sends a reset (CC #121) message to your MIDI device, then updates all enabled controls. This switch is handy when you have disabled a control and you want its assigned controller to be reset by the MIDI device.