JP hardboiled
Find Your Fight
when i record it doesn't sound clear like when i listen on my event monitors..i know anything sounds ok on monitors but this is different..sounds muddled when i record..mainly the drums..which i spend a hella lot of time programming..i 'm not sure if it's how i'm you use stereo or mono patch cords?or is it because i record everything at once into Sonar..I don't separate the tracks yet cause i don't have the means such as a motu or good soundcard..and i haven't added effects or that it?what is everyone elses experience with recording?
here's some of those beats for ya'll to i said the drums are not turning out right at all!anyone with experience in recording please help...
here's some of those beats for ya'll to i said the drums are not turning out right at all!anyone with experience in recording please help...