all the cubase sx3 users, i need some vocal fx plug-in help

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i found a tutorial on cheap mic recording and i was following it, here it is , i used the first one's the wave one's. this is for cool edit but i was using cubase so i used the waves and reverbed wit true verb, i didn't filter and i used waves noise reduction and it sounded decent but i could barely play it is: > Tutorials, mixing with bad mic quality

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post Nov 26 2004, 10:32 PM
Post #1

Muggz B. Pimpin

Group: Moderator
Posts: 685
Joined: 5-October 04
Member No.: 27

First Step: Record. Use a pop filter made out of a fitted hat, put a sock over the mic, or put stockings if ur too lazy to make one with a hanger and material.

Second Step: Noise Reduction. Use cool edit pro 2.1 noise reduction. First, set it up at 35 db's and 75 is my noise level. Then, pick about 2-4 seconds of space that u made no noise on. Then go to get profile from selection. When its done close the window. Then select the whole wave. Go back to noise reduction (press F2 to go back to noise reduction. Control + A to select all). Then with those settings in that i told you, do ur noise reduction.

For the next steps, you will need Antares Microphone Modeler and Native Waves Gold. Hit refresh list on ur effects menu or enable direct x and they will show up in the directx part.

Right now silence all dead space in your audio. Follow All instructions Exactly how told.

Direct X>Waves>

Third Step: After that u must go to DirectX>Waves>C4, and choose 4 band noise reduction.

Forth Step: After that is finished processing go back to DirectX>Waves>C4, but choose 2 band noise reduction and hit OK.

Fifth Step: Afterwards go to DirectX>Waves>C1Comp, and select HF Noise Reduction. Once again push OK.

Sixth Step: Then go to DirectX>Waves>C1>Gate, and select classic gate. Then press OK.

Done with Direct X>Waves

Seventh Step: Then go to Filters>Graphic Equalizer, and select Premaster EQ and Hit OK.

Eighth Step: Go to Amplitude>Dynamics Processing. Select "Vocal Comp,-24,Fast Attack" but go to the traditional tab and turn -24 to -20. Then go back and hit splines and hit OK.

DirectX>Antares Microphone Modeler

Ninth Step: Use Calphenes Antares Mic Modeler(DirectX>Antares Microphone Modeler). Preset As seen Below:
Input Proximity: 3.5
Source Mic: Shure SM58
Input Gain: 0.0
Low Cut (Input): None
Pattern (Input): None
Tube Saturation: 1.0
Output Proximity: (off)
Modeled Mic: AKG C 3000
Low Cut (Output): On
Pattern (Output): Cardiod
Output Level: 0.0
Preserve Source: Bass, Treble

Then Hit OK. (I have a shure sm58 so it usually works good but even if u dont have one u can still use this preset).

Done with Direct X>Antares Microphone Modeler

Tenth Step: Reverb. Go to Delay Effects>Reverb, and use "tight and close." It works pretty good for me so i dont even mess with it. Just click the preset and hit OK.

Eleventh Step: Go to Filters>Go to graphics EQ preset Bright and Punchy or another one to your liking.
Twelvth Step: Mastering Vocals! Go to Filters>FFT Filter, and select "Mastering- Gentle & Wide." Hit OK.

Thirteenth Step: Normalize to 100% by going to Amplitude>Normalize and typing in 100. Then Hit Ok.

Fourteenth Step: Amplify. Go to Amplify>Amplify. Go to 10 DB or 3 Db boost, based on your desired Sound.

You can amplify your beat to 10 and ur Vocals to 3, or ur Beat to 3 and Vocals to 10, whichever one makes u sound better.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<that's the whole tutorial i didn't use the mic set up stuff but used this and it sounded good,can anybody tell me how to route this in cubase sx3 correctly using waves.
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