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  • beat this! (feb 19-20) signup begins in...
  1. G

    Which type of music do you sample the most?

    I sample all forms of music,no favorite in particuler.
  2. G

    tweaking sounds

  3. G

    My New Killer Trio

  4. G

    What is the best Drummachine?

    Guru is the way to go!
  5. G

    GURU VST (Step sequencer plugin)

    MP3 aint lyin.I use Guru as a vst in FL-Studio.I do all my drums and sample choppin with it.I tap in beats mpc style with the Trigger Finger.All I use FL for is mixing.It's a great combination of software.Check it out!
  6. G

    Compensating w/o Near Field Monitors

    I always test my joints at BestBuy or Circut City on all there stereo's.I figure that's were most people buy there electronics,so if it sounds good.It's fine
  7. G


    thanks for the input,i'll try all of them see what works best for me.
  8. G


    Thanks for the input,I'll try both suggestions.
  9. G


    How do some of you guys match the beat with an accapella in FL-STUDIO 6?I did try a search but I didnt get a clear answer.
  10. G


    That would be nice to apply swing to individual channels.maybe FL-7 will have that function.
  11. G

    best way to f**** with samples in fl studio

    I record vinyl into adobe audition,then chopp it into differant bar counts.Open FL,load up my intakt vstplug-in and chopp the loop up like in recycle.The cool thing about it is I can tweak each slice with effects all in one channel.Another way I do it is useing guru and make the beat mpc...