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  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...
  1. 2GooD Productions

    Hello, everyone!

  2. 2GooD Productions

    This is crazy, check this guy out

    Ive seen this guy do stuff with Beardyman.
  3. 2GooD Productions

    SHOWCASE: March 2-9, 2025

    Yes, I softclip the kicks, snares, claps, tom's individually adding some saturation, then again on the drum bus as a whole. On the bus the clipping is more subtle, just taking the tips off the loudest fundamentals, to even it out a little, same with the bus compression, just to even it out a...
  4. 2GooD Productions

    Warzone Beat Battle - February 25 - March 1, 2025

    I had these thoughts as I was writing it all out. Participation is the biggest issue. I understand. I don't like it, but I understand.
  5. 2GooD Productions

    Warzone Beat Battle - February 25 - March 1, 2025

    Between just you and me, don't tell @Fade , I'm not a fan of the new format. If you are going to drag it out for days it should at least have different beats for each round in my humble opinion. Saying that, I'm struggling to get any beats made at all, let alone 4 for an oldskool warzone battle...
  6. 2GooD Productions

    SHOWCASE: March 2-9, 2025

    Not usually a fan of choppy beats but I think you pulled it off. The sounds all sound well balanced, the bass sounds a little distorted, but the distortion adds some harmonic resonances that make it sound more present on more limited speakers too. Sounds a little flappy though. Are you...
  7. 2GooD Productions

    Warzone Beat Battle - February 25 - March 1, 2025

    So close, have you won a warzone yet?
  8. 2GooD Productions

    In a beatmaking slump. Any advice?

    Same, maybe try a different genre, learning a whole new genre can feel new, not like doing the same thing over and over again, it also will give you some new techniques which can be used across genres, till eventually you realise music is music, regardless of genre, there are "rules" or...
  9. 2GooD Productions

    Anyone want anything from Tracklib?

    Sorry to hear that bro, but I completely understand, I've been struggling to get motivated lately. I already have a tracklib subscription though.
  10. 2GooD Productions

    Merge - What Makes You Wanna Lie to Me

    I agree, it was a hard one to flip, when I heard it on my phone I thought it was going to be easy, but no. Its why I ended up just ripping the vocal and just using that for the hook. Mines not exactly a flip tbh, more composed than anything else. Your chops came together nicely, I think you did...
  11. 2GooD Productions

    Beat This! Competition - February 19-20, 2025

    Did you have an unfortunate fall and bump your head?
  12. 2GooD Productions

    Merge - What Makes You Wanna Lie to Me

    Has anybody got this as MP3? None of my yt converters are working for me right now? Nevermind, I found another way. I just want to get started on this right away
  13. 2GooD Productions

    SHOWCASE: February 2-9, 2025

    Classic Excellence @JM. Dope beat, I'm hearing glitches in my head that could be used to make the beat slightly less repetitive allowing it to be stretched out further while staying interesting and not deviating very far from what you already have. I'm thinking different glitch noises to...
  14. 2GooD Productions

    What the hell is this garbage?

    Mine goes back to around the same time, sure I have some going back to 2005. Anything made before that was lost when my hard drive packed up teaching me the most valuable lesson of backing up.
  15. 2GooD Productions

    What the hell is this garbage?

    I tried mixing down an old shit I'd made in reason 5, and the old reason 5 mix was much better.
  16. 2GooD Productions

    Western Police OST - "Everybody Loves Somebody"

    Wasn't expecting those drums. Dope.
  17. 2GooD Productions

    What the hell is this garbage?

    @konceptG I have many many such folders, but an old painter once told me "Never throw any of your creations away" so I keep them, and on a rare occasion I might go in and find something worth bringing to the modern world with my current skills and current tools.
  18. 2GooD Productions

    What the hell is this garbage?

    If I ever made a video like this you can be damn fucking sure I'm making beats and videos until I come up with a banger before sharing it with the world.
  19. 2GooD Productions

    What WAS your typical setup?

    I used hip hop ejay for a while, all the sample were in the key of C