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  • warzone finals voting begins in...
  1. beatsmith

    Warzone Warzone Beat Battle - March 25-29, 2025

    Calvin Coolidge makes beats? that's awsome
  2. beatsmith

    Plugin recommendations

    you probably already have this but ShaperBox by CableGuys is obviously a game changer. It doesn't necessarily make melodies but it adds that spice. like if you have a good melody, shaperbox will make it even better. it was way more useful than i thought it would be honestly
  3. beatsmith


    just a rapper/beatbaker having a good time, bro!
  4. beatsmith

    Beat This! Competition - February 8-9, 2023

    i was kind of going for 90s r&b vibe with mine. the mixing ain't the best but it's still be a bop
  5. beatsmith


    wassup! my name is uzi keys and i make fresh beatz