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  • beat this! (feb 19-20) signup begins in...
  1. Max200g

    Beat This! - December 21-22, 2016

    Thought I had till 8
  2. Max200g


    Not sure what you mean by beat matching. I turn up the slider in Recycle to get slices and samples automatically follow Reason tempo. Also, I don't use a controller or MIDI.
  3. Max200g


    Got a Mac so FL would be difficult for me. Found a video from FL on Youtube and wonder if I can do some of the things in the video with Reason: Thanks in advance
  4. Max200g

    Reason Songs

    Don't see it. School me. Showcase?
  5. Max200g

    Reason Songs

    No comment on the beat?
  6. Max200g

    Reason Songs

    Me. It says End big as shit on the tab at 100 bars. Did you check out my track? Could you a bit of spit and polish, yes?
  7. Max200g

    Reason Songs

    What a dummy
  8. Max200g

    Reason Songs

    Figured it out. Duh.
  9. Max200g

    Reason Songs

    2 minute track now 4:24
  10. Max200g

    Reason Songs

  11. Max200g

    Reason Songs

    When exporting Reason songs as audio files I automatically get 100 bars no matter the length of the songs making some files too large. Any help?
  12. Max200g

    We all make music, but...

    old school sample-heavy
  13. Max200g

    Recycle slaving

    Had to fumble with sensitivity to get rid of choppy playback, but I think the problem is solved.
  14. Max200g

    Recycle slaving

    Spoke too soon. Seems to be working as long as I see slices in DROctoRex waveform window. Good call!
  15. Max200g

    Recycle slaving

    No go. My drum loop with 21 slices in Recycle still playing at original 96 bpm though it says 120 bpm in Reason.
  16. Max200g

    Recycle slaving

    Gonna try that. Question: why does Propellerhead instruction page say use Recycle with NN-XT in Reason? I'm using DrOctoRex.
  17. Max200g

    Recycle slaving

    The only chopping is a full bar or two from an entire song. I record the part of a song I want, usually 3 or 5 seconds, with Audio Hijack. Then I convert the mp3 to wav and finally perfect the loop I'm after in Recycle. That clip, if you disregard the Tracy Morgan dialog, is just a drum loop...
  18. Max200g

    Recycle slaving

    No slices. Check out Facebook url I posted.
  19. Max200g

    Recycle slaving

    Here's a sample