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  • warzone round 2 voting begins in...
  1. thetrakteam

    Producer saying What's UP!

    Hey Illmuzik members, I just wanted to say hello and that I'm excited to be a part of this community. I am a producer from Toronto that works in collaboration with two other producers (from Toronto and New York). We are called The Trak Team and we are working on creating a sound that will...
  2. thetrakteam

    Showcase - August 14-16, 2013

    @MCKwaiChangCane I like the drum line. I feel like the repetitive pad chords is a turn off. However, if someone was rapping over it, it might be actually be a good beat. I do not like the hi hats though. They seem too "in you face". That should be the job of the kicks and the snares. Good...
  3. thetrakteam

    Showcase - August 14-16, 2013

    Hello all, Check these two beats out and let me know what you guys think! I will return feedback too! Thank you!