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  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...
  1. djfeedme

    Battle That! Competition - December 4-7, 2019

    Damn, taking the beat battles on an internet forum next level serious! Took me a while to sift though all this... Lots of quality beats in here. Good to focus on the quality in here rather than focus on trying to drag it down. Was good to be back in a Battle That! Love to Fade and the ill...
  2. djfeedme

    Battle That! - December 5-8, 2018

    BTW, my favorite two beats from the comp were @DEEZ BEATZ - War Monger and @Kulateral - DaKidCold. Seriously those two were unreal, plus I can only imagine the heat that didn't even see the light of day in later rounds from some of you.
  3. djfeedme

    Battle That! - December 5-8, 2018

    Wow, great to be back on top of the Battle That comp! I'm glad you guys liked the beats! It has been a year of changes for me, so it was good to get back to making some music the past month or so. Much love to @Fade for doing this and maintaining the site all year. I need to hit up a few of...
  4. djfeedme

    So this is not a good week for me

    @Fade I have a mk1 sitting in my basement. I literally never touch it. I bought it thinking I would want it but I don't ever use it. Let me know if you want it. It's been down there for years now.
  5. djfeedme

    Sample Flip! - Al Jarreau - "Your Song"

    Born in Milwaukee! Al's vocal tricks are always crazy
  6. djfeedme

    What's this sample?! And where can i find it? Please.

    If you're asking me if I'm Jon Gooch or that little green cartoon - No I am not.
  7. djfeedme

    Warzone - January 15-16, 2016 - Comments/Questions

    @Mike Larrry - that beat is crazy good bro!
  8. djfeedme

    What's this sample?! And where can i find it? Please.

    Sounds like a pretty generic trap snare layered with a tinny/percussion sound. try layering some different sounds together to get your own results. Or, if you are in love with that snare... rip that audio and sample/crop it.
  9. djfeedme

    Warzone - December 18-19, 2015 - Comments/Questions

    Oh Damn, totally forgot that warzone beats are only one minute. (spaced and thought it was 2 min like the beat this) I'll be back next time with some better shit.
  10. djfeedme

    Studio Monitors

    I have the Yamaha hs8 active monitors. Not the ns10s.
  11. djfeedme

    Studio Monitors

    Sorry I had to remove the https:// before the soundcloud link as it kept trying to link it to the soundcloud player and creating an error. Is there a better way to just post a link to a profile? Not just a soundcloud song link?
  12. djfeedme

    Studio Monitors

    Quite a few here: I am not upset at all, just interested in your opinion, I will give the SOS article a read. Thanks!
  13. djfeedme

    Studio Monitors

    I am curious to your opinion Dream Police. I use the Yamaha hs8 monitors. Could you be very specific into exactly what your concerns are with the speakers? I use them in an untreated room. I know I am not even close to a good listening environment, but it is what I have at the moment. I am...
  14. djfeedme

    Video: Making of #6: KDVS - Venterommet

    Dope video Kim Daniel!
  15. djfeedme

    Beat This - August 26-27, 2015

    @Ozmosis - beat is bananas bro!! Great job. @Messy Beatz - nice work sampling!
  16. djfeedme

    Демис Руссос - USSR 1980s (Sample Flip)

    Discogs says it's from the USSR released in 1980, all I know is that it is ripe to sample... After a little diggin, I think it is this guy: Anyway, check the sample. Download Link...
  17. djfeedme

    Going live with Propellerheads Reason

    Nice, would love to hear a sample or see a video or something.
  18. djfeedme

    Going live with Propellerheads Reason

    One big file would work and is the easiest and makes the most sense in my opinion. A nice feature is that you can name the scenes on the far right with a number and BPM (example: 86BPM, or 113 BPM) and when you trigger that scene, the tempo of the entire project jumps to that BPM at whatever...