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  • warzone finals voting begins in...
  1. dacalion

    Salvador Dali Drawing (music by "FEEL")

    Salvador Dali was a well known Surrealism Spanish Artist. I drawing him using a regular black Bic Ink Pen ( no mistakes to a super dope, laid back beat provided by "FEEL" Check it out! Leave some feedback and make Fade happy!
  2. dacalion

    Beats & Art Music by Fade

    Q-Tip from Tribe Called by Mister Fade
  3. dacalion

    Beats & Art

    DOPE NEW Beats & Art Video featuring Art by hre2art (dac) and music by Raw Nature!
  4. dacalion

    I'm looking for Beats!

    Hello all, I'm looking for some original music, beats, or anything that will pass the copyright music protection to add to my drawing videos that I will be using on social media and youtube. I prefer to use some old school, east coast, hip hop styled productions, but any genre will be greatly...
  5. dacalion

    hello, my name is dacalion!

    Im dope! doper than you! believe that! hahahaha! whats up faaaaaam?!?!?!?!?
  6. dacalion


    So I'm checking out this documentary on female porn stars and I don't think that I could marry one. Some of these chick's are fine as hell, and know how to please a man... but how awkward would it be if your wife came home from 'work' and her breath didn't smell right? Even if she brushed her...
  7. dacalion

    Do you see what I see?

    R&B seems to be immune to genre death. It's still going fairly strong...or maybe not. Some of these 'new' artist (not calling any names) are basically doing the same thing that added nails in Hip Hops coffin. Even seasoned vets like Beyonce have chimed in... I'm curious, if I watch someone...
  8. dacalion

    Don't Throw Dirt On The Casket Yet!

    Yup Hip Hop barely has a pulse but here's a lil something to ponder on... Now is the time to contact some of the great Hip Hop heads for exclusive interviews and insight on 'the next move'... Just before any big business closes it's doors, it has a 'Going Out Of Business Sale', they reduce...
  9. dacalion

    I'm Still Alive!!!!

    What's up everybody? I just stopped by to say hello, whats good, and all to let you all know that I'm still in the game. I've been hella busy with some other things but I think of my illfam all of the time. Life sometimes takes us off our desired path but I will never forget my...
  10. dacalion

    I Have Found The Cure For Producers Block!

    Since my 'accident' back in May...I've been struggling to get music put on my phone just to have something to listen to. I went for the basic 1970's - 80's rnb music at first, you know the classic stuff...Luther, Prince, EWF and so on... As I started listening to these old songs, I realized how...
  11. dacalion

    Whats Good Illheads?

    Damn I miss you guys! Ok here's the deal...I've bought a house out in the country. Though I luv not living in the city limits anymore, Ive run into several challenges. 1. We only have slow ass satelite service offered in the area. 2. Unless I drop about a grand for equiptment, my service will...
  12. dacalion

    So Close But Yet So Far...

    Ok, here's the latest news...Now that I'm settled back in my new place, I'm back into rebuilding my system. I've been pricing and looking at my options as far as what gear I want and how I'm going to try NOT to make the same mistakes that I made before. Now we are looking at another house in...
  13. dacalion

    Is ZeekRewards A Scam?

    There's a big buzz about Zeekrewards here in the Carolina's...I'm not considering doing it but I know of a few that are. History tells me that if its too good to be true, its usually not. I have seen some (internet) reviews saying its a scam but they were all personal opinions and no solid...
  14. dacalion

    Well Guys I Lost It All!

    Here's where I used to live...thats my home on the top floor. Everything was destroyed. My family and I are safe but we got out with only the clothes on our backs...we didn't even have shoes on. I believe it was an electrical fire =(....I'm in good spirits though, and now I really have an excuse...
  15. dacalion

    My Thoughts On Mastering

    Should I Master my own work? Most Common Answer - No! My Answer - Compare it to riding a bike. Some people can, some people can't. If you can ride a bike, the more you ride it, the better you get at riding it. If you can't ride a bike, then stop trying to. Riding a bike is for some and for...
  16. dacalion

    Will Rondo Get Suspended?

    You betta believe
  17. dacalion

    April 29th - May 6th

    Classic Stephanie Mills... Stephanie Mills - 1979 Feel The Fire
  18. dacalion

    Don't Break The Code!

    This is an old story but still entertaining...Amber Rose is a fine @$$ chick (imo), but I wouldn't have broken the code. There's just too many other fish in the sea. I agree with Luke, that shhh is out of order.
  19. dacalion

    4th Friday Downtown Fayetteville

    I took a few pics... In the Art Gallery... The Crowd... The Band Belly Dancers... A Jam Session...
  20. dacalion

    I Don't Know, You Tell Me?

    First, understand that I'm being very general here, but even so, you can still see my point. Below is a list of Number 1 RnB albums in 1978 and 2011. I picked 1978 because it was the the peak of RnB and the Disco era was just starting to influence RnB. I picked 2011 because it's the last full...