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  1. V.J. Retro

    Transitioning from Software to Hardware Tools.

    I don't know if it's just me but I've seen a large number of producers who I've followed on YouTube start of with using software tools (I tend to count MIDI instruments as primarily software). Then, they either get enough money or a free sponsorship to get some hardware gear most notably the...
  2. V.J. Retro

    Vintage MPCs

    Sup Ill Fam and Happy New Year. I've been thinking about getting a vintage MPC to add to my studio. The main purpose is using it for recording and chopping samples and uploading what I've created into my computer. If the vintage MPCs can work as MIDI controllers, that will be awesome but not...
  3. V.J. Retro

    Text to Sample AI Tool

    I would like to hear anyone's opinion on this. I've only been able to use it a little bit. I like that it's free and it gives me more options of sampling.
  4. V.J. Retro

    InMusic buying out Moog

    I haven't owned a Moog synthesizer surprisingly but I'm curious as to how this will play out. I do have the Akai MPC One and the new Stanton STX and both atr registered at InMusic. I haven't had any issues with InMusic but it seems that a lot of people aren't fans of them. I'd like to hear...
  5. V.J. Retro

    Happy 404 Day!

    To all the beatmakers out there rocking out with their 404s...
  6. V.J. Retro

    Let's talk about the Splice Problem

    I don't know if this video was posted on another thread here but I'm curious how other beatmakers approach this. Do you make your own samples or take the royalty free samples but manipulate them enough to make your own sound if you ever decide to post on YouTube?
  7. V.J. Retro


    Hello. New Lo-Fi Hip-Hop producer here.