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  • warzone round 2 voting begins in...
  1. Vossi Beats

    acoustic foam??

    I finally got some monitors, so now its time for working on the room acoustics. Is acoustic foam any good other than looking cool on the wall?? Or should I take the time to make some rockwopol/fiberglass absorbers and put them on the walls and corners? Maybe 1 or 2 hanging a few inches below the...
  2. Vossi Beats

    Turntable for sampling/scratching etc?

    I'm looking to invest in a turntable for sampling and scratching, anyone have some suggestions as to where I should put my money to get the most bang for my buck? (My budget is in the 300-350$ area)
  3. Vossi Beats

    Uno mas!

    Sup. Hope everyone is having a blast! I'm looking forward to listen to all of those awesome beats y'all have been making. And what better way to introduce myself than to show you my latest production. Let me know how awesome you think it is, or if you think it's a piece of shit :D lol "