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  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...
  1. Sucio


    Fellow illiens. One of our OGs @2infamouz passed away last week suddenly in a car accident. Ayron was a solid dude. We talked a bit on FB, helped my music page get a bunch of likes when I had one...
  2. Sucio

    Record Pools

    I know this is a hip-hop forum, but.................. I've been looking into record pools for EDM and current rap music....maybe looking into doing gigs out here in the very near future...... I've done some searching around... Does anyone use a record pool?
  3. Sucio

    15 years

    Fade....I know it isn't the actual anniversary date, but I wanna give you a shoutout for keeping illmuzik alive for 15 years.....It's nuts how far we've all come......Many have come and gone and some old heads still slide in from time to time, which is awesome. The new members here are...
  4. Sucio

    It's like winning on a scratch off ticket...

    My uncle was on a website similar to craigslist where people give away free shit.... I just picked up a WORKING Mackie 32x8 console.....with the power supply and stand.....FOR FREE......All I had to do was pick it up. The dude who gave it to me said his buddy recorded Keith Richards on that...
  5. Sucio

    This Forum... the reason why I have improved so much as a beatmaker and producer. From people posting tips on sounds, to how to market the music and what gear is best for what. Been in and out of here for over 10 years (damn...10 years, since college). And even though I'm not really geared...
  6. Sucio

    Pro Tools 8LE and OSX Mavericks

    Anyone know if upgrading to OSX Mavericks is not allowing PT 8 to work? I know…I know…PT 8 is old as fuck….but I love it and it works for me……. Avid said that they don't have any files to make it work with it…….but they also said that protools 8 wouldn't work with Mountain Lion...
  7. Sucio

    FL for Mac???

    Got a beta and so far so good...I was talking to DP about how it will act with memory hogging VSTs like Kontakt... I'm going to try to get some Windows VSTs, and see if it works when I move the folder over to the Mac side..... I'll keep you guys updated.
  8. Sucio

    I recorded the teacher KRS ONE at the club here in Orlando

    Look at how close we had him.... The club fucked up big time...had the sound guy got it right, dude would've stayed longer.... Shitty thing is that my phone ran out of space and there was a ton of more stuff that I missed.....
  9. Sucio

    Soooo...Lil Wayne in Critical condition?? PM PT -- We're told Wayne is being prepared for his last rites ... with his family surrounding him to say their goodbyes. Wayne's mother is currently on a plane flying to Los Angeles -- and...
  10. Sucio


  11. Sucio

    The NFL needs to get rid of these refs

    If anyone watched the Green Bay/Seattle will know what I'm talking about.
  12. Sucio

    Kanye West & Pusha T - New God Flow

    I think this record is fucking awesome.
  13. Sucio

    Sucio Compilation in the works...

    As the title of my goals in music was to put together a compilation together of my production with various artists.....I love working with the ones I do now, but I would like to hear new voices on my music. I'm putting the beats together and I was getting the amount of music...
  14. Sucio

    Started to work on a compilation...

    Going to take a produce all new beats for this.. I'm actually trying to have everything on this joint...from electronic...dirty south....boom bap....rock.....basically trying to put all kinds of shit in it.. This is more of something I've always wanted to do for myself...
  15. Sucio

    Adobe Audition CS6...

    thoughts? Does anyone have it? Could I really effectively timestrech with this? I really don't want to continue using FL Studio to get a dope time stretch.... Plus doing in PT takes up a shitload of space...
  16. Sucio

    Video I produced for the Orlando Magic I produced the music for this joint. This video is played at every Orlando Magic home game at the Amway Center. This is a promo video to promote renewing and purchasing season tickets for the upcoming season. One of the most stressful...
  17. Sucio

    Trayvon Martin

    I am quite surprised that this wasn't mentioned here earlier... Maybe because it's a sensitive subject... What I do like about this place is that we are very objective in our views and can see both sides of the coin on almost every issue.. The incident literally occurred about 5 miles...
  18. Sucio

    Nas - The Don

    Thoughts? I think this record is dope....
  19. Sucio

    Getting an entire album to sound the same?

    Had my boy working on a mixtape... He has all the tracks done, but all of them do not have the same volume... Now I would think that we would have all the records loaded in PT, and putting some type of limiter for all the records to get that similar volume...nothing too drastic, then...
  20. Sucio

    long hours in the lab...and no females????

    this should keep you focused.