Warzone Beat Battle - January 14-18, 2025

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Mike Chief

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Thank you peoples...

At the same time - Im right there with you @Iron Keys. I did not hold high hopes for winning this, and in all honesty kinda confused about how certain tracks advanced.
@BizangoNigma I thoroughly thought you would take the W against me...
@K-waz this is where I thought I was for sure eliminated. Fuckin legit banger. But yo @Leopard Cohen that was definitely amongst one of my favourites this competition and one of my favourites from you.
@Iron Keys With our match up - I felt like that one came down to vibe more than anything. Thought it was a good possibility that I could lose that one. Shit was clean my man.

All in all...this one went unexpectedly. I can assure I dont have ghost accounts following me lmao. Thank you for those that voted. @Earsblower your beat was fuckin smooth. And I get where you comin from with the feedback. I appreciate that. Its definitely a hate it or love it beat, and most definitely coulda been more dynamic. However, I just decided to go with a style that left room for an artist. Was originally intended for this current sample flippage post. Decided to try it here instead.
Thank you peoples...

At the same time - Im right there with you @Iron Keys. I did not hold high hopes for winning this, and in all honesty kinda confused about how certain tracks advanced.
@BizangoNigma I thoroughly thought you would take the W against me...
@K-waz this is where I thought I was for sure eliminated. Fuckin legit banger. But yo @Leopard Cohen that was definitely amongst one of my favourites this competition and one of my favourites from you.
@Iron Keys With our match up - I felt like that one came down to vibe more than anything. Thought it was a good possibility that I could lose that one. Shit was clean my man.

All in all...this one went unexpectedly. I can assure I dont have ghost accounts following me lmao. Thank you for those that voted. @Earsblower your beat was fuckin smooth. And I get where you comin from with the feedback. I appreciate that. Its definitely a hate it or love it beat, and most definitely coulda been more dynamic. However, I just decided to go with a style that left room for an artist. Was originally intended for this current sample flippage post. Decided to try it here instead.
@Mike Chief Nawww when I heard your beat I knew I wasn't going to past you. Your beat was solid and dope. I actually mixed my beat this time so I can get a good critique from @Iron Keys ;) and maybe win a warzone. I should've mastered my beat maybe I could've... (yeah right) hmmm anyway that's why I don't mixed my beats fully.
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Mike Chief

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
@Mike Chief Nawww when I heard your beat I knew I wasn't going to past you. Your beat was solid and dope. I actually mixed my beat this time so I can good a good critique from @Iron Keys ;) and maybe win a warzone. I should've mastered my beat maybe I could've... (yeah right) hmmm anyway that's why I don't mixed my beats fully.

Nah man, yours definitely shoulda won. As far as your mix - I like shit like that. I feel like there coulda been a bit more swing at some parts with the sample but overall I still feel like it shits on mine. I also know that mine is often at a lower level than everyone elses...I just try not to play the loudness war when not necessary. But your mix was legit mang, in my eyes nothing really wrong with it. For me, its just the levels of certain instruments you got goin on that I personally would alter. But thats that fine detail shit that I feel like only us as beatmakers/producers appreciate/notice. Your track was way more fire than mine. Salute sir.

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 745
I actually mixed my beat this time so I can good a good critique from @Iron Keys ;)

Honestly, your beat was the beat I didn't want to come up against in this.

I really like the tone and punctuation you get on your drums - you gotta share your secrets with me, brother.

I thought there mayyy have been a little too much bass, but I always prefer a little too much over a little to little so.
And there was some crunchy stuff that was happening on the L channel.
But mostly overlooked that cause it was otherwise good stuff.

I think the final should have been you vs Arvin - wasn't initially keen on his beat, but then it grew on me a little and i appreciated the composition - though he probably stole that the lil thief.

But yeah, let me know what you do to/how your mix your drums

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 745
At the same time - Im right there with you @Iron Keys. I did not hold high hopes for winning this, and in all honesty kinda confused about how certain tracks advanced.

Love, brother.

What it is, it reminds me of sample/boombap beats I've made before where some of the sample triggers annoy me a little.

Would have been power if it had the same fullness of K-waz beat, but not sure if things are always mixable like that or part of what the source is.

Congrats on the doublevaisss tho!

I like the change up parts kept it musically interesting

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 745
@Earsblower was that guitar a sample or you played that? Nice beat

@Leopard Cohen i REALLLY loved this beat. I can't remember if I voted this or K-Waz, but your beat is probably my favorite in the battle - if I stumbled across this on Spotify it would be added to my inspiration playlist. Really cool work - this all composed or mix of samples and composed?

Love it. Make sure you release this at some point. I'd even mix it, even tho i love the personality it has as is.

Leopard Cohen

Battle Points: 111
Thanks man.

Once I get stuff on my sampler, I don't keep track of where it came from. Plausible deniability for sample snitches :D

But for this one, I know that the drums, bass, and vocals were sampled, chopped, and layered. Everything else was my instrumentation.

I've still gotta figure out my final mix, my shit always sounds quiet even though I'm compressing it.
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