Recent content by Vossi Beats

  • warzone round 2 voting begins in...
  1. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! Competition - October 5-6, 2022

    Btw long time no see. Still taking a break from music production, just wanted to check in. See how things were going. Nice theme tho! Where the Maschine/NPC folks at? So many possibilities with this one!
  2. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! Competition - October 5-6, 2022

    Or more of this maybe...
  3. Vossi Beats

    Warzone Beat Battle - July 22-23, 2022

    Alright this was it for me. 3 years ago I decided to learn how to make beats. Now that I have it's time to return to my true passion in life which has always been robbing people and/or masturbating in public areas. Honestly it's also about that time where a few years inside will probably be good...
  4. Vossi Beats

    Warzone Beat Battle - July 22-23, 2022

    That goes without saying for someone who's first name is iron. I figured it wasn't a reference to your dislike of wrinkled shirts.
  5. Vossi Beats

    Warzone Beat Battle - July 22-23, 2022

    You only say that because you haven't seen me jump naked
  6. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - July 13-14, 2022

    Tanks my g. Drop your email if you want me to send the alright sample. The least I can do after those mighty kind words. You'll be back. No worries mate Lol I still haven't heard the beats and I also didn't vote. Gonna have a listen later and a big ol smoke.
  7. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - July 13-14, 2022

    Mike Tyson My Dyson
  8. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - July 13-14, 2022

    This is just me when don't smoke weed.
  9. Vossi Beats

    Beat This! - July 13-14, 2022

    Fucking IKEA piece of crap.