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What is uppppp!!!

I'm Boris, i am a beatmaker from Belgium i live in a city called Genk (where talent is born) haha!.. i grew up with 2 sisters allways bossin the sh$% out of me.. so back then my only friends where the wutang clan,ODB (RIP), 2pac(RIP),dr dre,snoop,big L(RIP)biggie(RIP) (woow so many dead rappers!) and the list goes onnnn.... and when i was in a mood for dancing my man michael Jackson(RIP) was poped in the cassete deck ooow yeahhh boyyyy! My sisters allways laughed at me and my shitty dancemoves buy eyyyyyy gues what i didn't give a damn becouse I LOVED music back then and still today i make beats to exspress my feelings to the people around me this is who i am... an unknown(unsigned) beatmaker from Genk (Belgium) thnx 4 ur time and thnx to my sisters for making me who i am now! Hahaha!!.....peace.
Jul 6, 1986 (Age: 38)
Battle Points
Beat This! Champion
Beat This! Champion
Warzone Champion
Warzone Champion
Attack Of The Beats Winner
Attack Of The Beats Winner
Beat Fights! Champ
Beat Fights! Winner
  1. Beatmaker
Beat Style
Mostly boombap