Recent content by Iron Keys

  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...
  1. Iron Keys

    Warzone Warzone Beat Battle - March 25-29, 2025

    You got it. Winners of R1 move into a second round winners bracket. Losers go into a losers bracket. People who lost R1 can end up in bronze. People who win R1 but lose R2 out. Anyone who loses R2 is out.
  2. Iron Keys

    Hello, everyone

    Assuming same account - this person signed up exactly a year ago. Never too late for an introduction I guess.
  3. Iron Keys

    Warzone Warzone Beat Battle - March 25-29, 2025

    The issue you get is, you have people with different tastes, but also different experience levels (not to say that someone need to have experience to justify their taste) And you have, which is quite significant, people listening on different quality playback devices. (Some may be on earbuds...
  4. Iron Keys

    Warzone Warzone Beat Battle - March 25-29, 2025

    Betting that was mine. True robbery
  5. Iron Keys

    Something new

    Respect, get involved. You sound like you're 40+ of age or something. Is this your first time dipping your toes into music production or into a Hip Hop forum?
  6. Iron Keys

    Warzone Warzone Beat Battle - March 25-29, 2025

    Anonymous No tags
  7. Iron Keys

    Warzone Warzone Beat Battle - March 25-29, 2025

    Calvin Coolidge was the 30th president of the United States, serving from 1923 to 1929. A Republican lawyer from Massachusetts, he previously served as the 29th vice president from 1921 to 1923 under President Warren G. Wait, wot? Did he undergo surgery from Dr Dre prior to his formal meeting...
  8. Iron Keys

    Beat This! Competition - March 19-20, 2025

    Look like mission control for NASA! Yeah like I (think) I said, I'd definitely recommend faders-down approach to mixing your own work; I would say tho, save your initial production mix as a different save point so you can reference back to it. I often find the production mix carries a lot of...
  9. Iron Keys

    Beat This! Competition - March 19-20, 2025

    Haha, yeah the good ol' dilemma... Here's how to approach that. A mix (for example), is never going to 'sound good' on a phone or such, so we're not mixing with the aim of 'making it sound good' on those playback devices. What we're trying to do, is identify what may be too much, or moreso...
  10. Iron Keys

    Beat This! Competition - March 19-20, 2025

    Hey, man. So first I'll start by saying there was a nice rhythm to the drums, a good bounce. And the sample for the irish-stuff was quite interesting too. Where you may want to improve is as follows: - the 808/bass either wasn't in key, or just placed on a very dissonant note; this was a fairly...
  11. Iron Keys

    Beat This! Competition - March 19-20, 2025

    Happens to the best of us... even the pros. A key thing to help with this is - perspective You really need to get perspective on your mix. Some ways to do this are; - break between production and mixing - when it comes time to mix, pull all your faders down - take breaks when mixing and come...
  12. Iron Keys

    Beat This! Competition - March 19-20, 2025

    Hey, brother I'll drop some feedback for you - might be in a few days or something as I'm away, if the thread's locked by then I'll dm you. Keep at it tho, big respect.
  13. Iron Keys

    Warzone Warzone Beat Battle - March 25-29, 2025

    It's one beat... you submit your beat and that's it; it enters into a knockout tournament bracketing. Previously, it used to be submit a separate beat for each round - but we simplified it for engagement. also previously, the rounds used to all take place on one day (Saturday), but again due...
  14. Iron Keys

    Beat This! Competition - March 19-20, 2025

    That's the right attitude! Great to see it Feedback; Love the energy, got that bouncy excited feel. The drum patterns are really cool, Strangely I could imagine DPGC, E40 along with Atlanta rappers on this I think a better mix could definitely help present this one a little better, but like...
  15. Iron Keys

    Beat This! Competition - March 19-20, 2025

    The vibe and rhythm is really locked, great vibe/feel. Love the choice of 'lucky charm' sample Other samples/sounds good too. Mix-wise, the balance sounds good, I think though, you're missing a lot of bass, feels a little on the light/thin end; if the Kick, Bass and Snare had more heft and...