Recent content by dacalion

  • warzone finals voting begins in...
  1. dacalion

    Pretty cool little "fake" scratching setup in FL

    FL Studio Fire!
  2. dacalion

    King James Version - "I Told Jesus"

    Whoa! This has crazy potential! This makes me want to get back into it! So much can be done with this this one! Great pick!
  3. dacalion

    Salvador Dali Drawing (music by "FEEL")

    Roughly 5 to 6 hours on my smallest paper 11 X 14. The bigger, the more time ofcourse!
  4. dacalion

    I'm looking for Beats!

    Im having issues with my dropbox right now...The email is all I have at the moment.
  5. dacalion

    I'm looking for Beats![/email]"]
  6. dacalion

    Salvador Dali Drawing (music by "FEEL")

    The trick is to apply the ink a little heavy so you can smear it, I use Cosmetic Swabs( they look alot like Q-Tips but they aren't...) and Cotton Balls. The paper thing is called a Stump. As for the reference photo, just google Salvador Dali and it'll pop up under images. Using your fingers is...
  7. dacalion

    I'm looking for Beats!

    Thats whats up wiz!
  8. dacalion

    I'm looking for Beats!

    Antares, thanks for the offer but this is just a fun project to get "Beats & Art" off the ground and to promote different music producers work as well. Money can be made but from my stand point, this is more of a "lets scratch each others back" type of thing. I'm introducing & promoting your...
  9. dacalion

    Salvador Dali Drawing (music by "FEEL")

    Salvador Dali was a well known Surrealism Spanish Artist. I drawing him using a regular black Bic Ink Pen ( no mistakes to a super dope, laid back beat provided by "FEEL" Check it out! Leave some feedback and make Fade happy!
  10. dacalion

    Beats & Art Music by Fade

    Thanks Pug!!! Appreciated bruh! Good to see youre still around!
  11. dacalion

    Beats & Art Music by Fade

    Q-Tip from Tribe Called by Mister Fade
  12. dacalion

    Those speakers!

    I played around with them and they are awesome, thedreampolice told me about them and my sales engineer at Sweetwater highly recommended them as well...I had the hardest time getting past the looks...a speaker in a, but after hearing them and seeing the results of their accuracy, I was...
  13. dacalion

    I'm looking for Beats!

    Hell 2 da yeah Feel! Perfect! Send me some to my email, the first 3 were fire! I didn't need to hear anymore!
  14. dacalion

    I'm looking for Beats!

    Its up in OFF TOPIC Clev, let me know what you think.
  15. dacalion

    Beats & Art

    DOPE NEW Beats & Art Video featuring Art by hre2art (dac) and music by Raw Nature!