Beat This! Archives - Battle #362

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Beat This! - Battle #362
Jan 23, 2025
Theme: Jazzy

TWU - "Beat This Jazz"
DJ Excellence - "I Got The JaZZZ"
jbm - "Boom Bap Da Jazz"
Delta Skeltah - "I can't help it"
other (in alphabetical order)
Bandia Gotach - "Trials and Tribulations"
Barium - "The Mountain Top"
BEATBRAWLER - "1-22-2025 Beat"
Earsblower - "Trumps Trumpets"
Iron Keys - "Jazzier than Jeff (Assfuck in A minor)"
Drum Chief - "Track01-2025"
Joe Sunglasses - "dancing SHOES"
K-waz - "Jazz And Nachos"
Rye Mann - "Basements Got Ceilings"
Snug Beats - "Jazz Trip"